rest of your life

Tips for Retirement: Making it Easy

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Retirement coincides with important life changes, such as re-location, changes in social network, chronic illness and loss of function, and adapting to a new lifestyle. Retired persons may travel more, take on parenting grandchildren and caring for their parents or love ones. Often retirees volunteer for charities and other community organizations. Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, but people that volunteer also help themselves by living longer and having a higher quality of life.

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For some retirees, retirement living enables them to spend more time in a sport or hobby, while others become restless and suffer from depression as a result of the loss of work and meaning. Since retirement occurs with increasing age and getting older correlates with deterioration of one's health, then you can understand how one associates depression with retirement. Studies, however, have shown that healthy elders are as happy or happier and have an equal quality of life as they age as compared to younger employed adults. Therefore, retirement is not as strong an influence on depression as ill health, but still can contribute to a lack of meaning or self-worth.

Many people in the later years, due to chronic illnesses, require assistance to function in the home or sometimes in more protective environments such as assisted living or nursing homes. Those who have the finances and need some help, but are not in need of personal assistance, may choose to live in a retirement home or independent senior living community. Even though the home is most desirable, since that is what we are used to, community living can be more beneficial. Socialization and activities foster health and happiness.

In addition to financing retirement, health issues, finding meaning, housing, and choosing activities, another issue that needs to be taken into consideration is choosing a place to retire. When preparing to relocate, think about where your social relationships are, whether family or friends. Consider what the taxes are, the climate, work and recreational opportunities, cost of living, and housing market options.

Moving Tips for Seniors

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